

Placenta Encapsulation 


So how does
all this work?


Our highly valued encapsulation service is done in your very own kitchen by a highly trained postpartum placenta specialist.

We understand how overwhelming having a newborn baby (or babies) can be so we want you to relax and feel as comfortable as possible. To make this even better, we clean and sanitize your kitchen before and after. You can look at this as an added bonus. 

Our process takes four hours to complete. We will spend the first two hours on day one and we will spend the last two hours on day two. Once your capsules are assembled we will provide you with detailed instructions along with general guidelines for your placenta consumption.


Placenta Encapsulation: $400

Placenta Encapsulation + Tincture: $450

Birth & Postpartum Doula clients get $100 off Placenta Encapsulation

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do mothers encapsulate their placenta?


Let’s be very honest here. When you first hear about someone eating their placenta it probably sounded really strange right? We get it. Many new mothers, however, have benefited greatly from ingesting their placenta. It’s worth mentioning that every body is different and not all women experience the same things in the same way. In 2013 the Human Maternal Placentophagy: A Survey of Self Reported Motivations and Experiences surveyed women who chose to consume their placenta and most importantly, why they chose this alternative method. The results found 75% had a very positive experience and 97% would do it again with their next pregnancy. The potential benefits of placenta encapsulation are:

  • Balanced hormones

  • Increased energy levels

  • Increased breastmilk production

  • Reduced risk of postpartum depression

  • Quicker physical postpartum recovery

Where is the scientific evidence supporting placenta encapsulation?


If you are looking for evidence based research surrounding placenta encapsulation, you won’t find much. You will, however, find plenty of anecdotal information. If you look there are thousands of years of anecdotal information traced back to Traditional Chinese Medicine. At that time and even today ingesting the placenta was considered to be a balancing, warming and healing herb to help aid a variety of ailments. 

Will the hospital allow me to keep my placenta?


Over the past several years women who have chosen to encapsulate their placenta has grown and has caught the attention of the medical community. 20 years ago if you were to tell your nurse, “I want to keep my placenta.” you may have gotten some push back. Today, however, it’s nothing new to them. In fact, they will package it up for you so all you would need to do is place it on ice in your cooler.

Why would I want my placenta encapsulated in my home and not yours?


This is a question we get a lot! Processing your placenta in your home ensures that the placenta being encapsulated is indeed yours and not accidentally swapped. Also, this allows you to take part of what we are doing (if you want anyway). You can see your placenta, touch your placenta and take pictures. We welcome you to join but understand if you would rather hang out in another room. We don’t mind.  Another reason we think it’s very important to process your placenta in your home and not ours is because you know your home environment. You might not know mine. Even though I consider myself to be a very tidy person I have a dog and three kids and I don’t think you want my germs near your placenta when being encapsulated. 

How does this work? Can you walk me through the encapsulation process.


Certainly. When you hire your postpartum placenta specialist we will provide you with detailed information along with a safety transport kit. Towards the end of your pregnancy we will stay in touch and make sure you have all the information you need and all your questions answered. Once you have your baby, we will come to your home whenever you are ready. Some moms like to have their capsules right away while others rather wait until they get home from the hospital. Either way, just let us know what you prefer.

On day one we will bring all our supplies equipment to your home. From there we will sanitize our workplace and put on our protective covering. Your placenta will be cleaned  and fully steamed to reduce the risk of any surface bacteria that may have come in contact with the placenta during birth. The placenta will then be sliced and placed in a dehydrator and left on your counter overnight. Don’t worry, upon completion of day one we clean up after ourselves and take everything back with us. 

On day two we will again, clean and sanitize our work space, dress in our protective covering and grind your dried placenta into a power form which will be placed in capsules. You will then be given detailed consumption guidelines and the chance to have any questions to have answered. .

How many capsules will I get?


Unfortunately I’m not able to gurantee how many capsules you’ll end up getting. This is determined by the size of your placenta. I will say, however, most mothers are able to yield anywhere from 60 capsules – 200 capsules. 

I’m worried the smell might be too much. Is this process stinky?


We don’t think it’s stinky and our clients haven’t noticed a foul odor either. We make sure to add fresh lemon and ginger to our steaming pot to avoid any unwanted smells. 


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